
Our Store

S/E Qld Woodworking Supplies started trading from a premises at Yatala in 1997. The owner and operator of this business is David Drescher a woodturner with over 30 years of woodturning experience. The business of S/E Qld Woodworking Supplies was relocated to its current location at Beenleigh at the start of 2015 and has grown to become one of Australia's larger suppliers of Woodturning Supplies and Woodworking machinery and associated products.

David also organises TURNFEST the only Australian Woodturning Symposium to run annually and is Australia's largest Woodturning Symposium with in excess of 400 attendees in 2016 and now in its 19th year is the longest running symposium in Australia.

Please see the TURNFEST site for more information. 

We sell and stock an extensive range of products from a vast number of suppliers

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