


Displaying 1 to 6 (of 18 products)
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  • Epox-E-Glue 150grm
    Added: 01/09/2024

    Epox-E-Glue 150grm

    Epox-E-Glue 150grm Epox-E-Glue is specially formulated for joining timber and other things with a high strength fully water proof bond. Epox-E-Glue i...
    Model : E-Glue-150
    Brand :
    Price:  $42.00
  • Epox-E-Glue 450grm
    Added: 01/09/2024
    Modified: 01/09/2024

    Epox-E-Glue 450grm

    Epox-E-Glue 450grm Epox-E-Glue is specially formulated for joining timber and other things with a high strength fully water proof bond. Epox-E-Glue i...
    Model : E-Glue-450
    Brand :
    Price:  $57.00
  • Epox-E-Glue 750grm
    Added: 01/09/2024
    Modified: 01/09/2024

    Epox-E-Glue 750grm

    Epox-E-Glue 750grm Epox-E-Glue is specially formulated for joining timber and other things with a high strength fully water proof bond. Epox-E-Glue i...
    Model : E-Glue-750
    Brand :
    Price:  $78.00
  • Luci Clear Art resin 1.5 Litre Pack
    Added: 01/09/2024
    Modified: 01/09/2024

    Luci Clear Art resin 1.5 Litre Pack

    Luci Clear Art resin 1.5 Litre Pack Here you will find our range of Luci Clear Casting Resin, Art Resin and Epoxy Pigment. We are extremely excited t...
    Model : Luci1.5-Art
    Brand :
    Price:  $105.00
  • Luci Clear Art resin 375ml Pack
    Added: 01/09/2024
    Modified: 01/09/2024

    Luci Clear Art resin 375ml Pack

    Luci Clear Art resin 375ml Pack Here you will find our range of Luci Clear Casting Resin, Art Resin and Epoxy Pigment. We are extremely excited to in...
    Model : Luci375-Art
    Brand :
    Price:  $38.00
  • Luci Clear Art resin 750ml Pack
    Added: 01/09/2024
    Modified: 01/09/2024

    Luci Clear Art resin 750ml Pack

    Luci Clear Art resin 750ml Pack Here you will find our range of Luci Clear Casting Resin, Art Resin and Epoxy Pigment. We are extremely excited to in...
    Model : Luci.750-Art
    Brand :
    Price:  $67.00
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 18 products)
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