
VM120mm/150mm Chuck Jaws

VM120mm/150mm Chuck Jaws

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 19 products)
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  • 105 mm Dovetail Jaws
    Added: 04/01/2020
    Modified: 10/24/2022

    105 mm Dovetail Jaws

    105 mm Dovetail Jaws  Dovetail Jaws have been designed to mount bowls by expanding into a recess or clamping onto a spigot.  The sizes indi...
    Model : V0676
    Brand : Vicmarc Machinery
    Price:  $90.00
  • 128 mm Dovetail Jaws
    Added: 04/01/2020
    Modified: 10/24/2022

    128 mm Dovetail Jaws

    128 mm Dovetail Jaws  Dovetail Jaws have been designed to mount bowls by expanding into a recess or clamping onto a spigot.  The sizes indi...
    Model : V0677
    Brand : Vicmarc Machinery
    Price:  $89.00
  • 148 mm Dovetail Jaws
    Added: 04/01/2020
    Modified: 10/24/2022

    148 mm Dovetail Jaws

    148 mm Dovetail Jaws  Dovetail Jaws have been designed to mount bowls by expanding into a recess or clamping onto a spigot.  The sizes indi...
    Model : V0678
    Brand : Vicmarc Machinery
    Price:  $92.00
  • 173 mm Dovetail Jaws
    Added: 04/01/2020
    Modified: 10/24/2022

    173 mm Dovetail Jaws

    173 mm Dovetail Jaws  Dovetail Jaws have been designed to mount bowls by expanding into a recess or clamping onto a spigot.  The sizes indi...
    Model : V0679
    Brand : Vicmarc Machinery
    Price:  $102.00
  • 198 mm Dovetail Jaws
    Added: 04/01/2020
    Modified: 10/24/2022

    198 mm Dovetail Jaws

    198 mm Dovetail Jaws  Dovetail Jaws have been designed to mount bowls by expanding into a recess or clamping onto a spigot.  The sizes indi...
    Model : V00680
    Brand : Vicmarc Machinery
    Price:  $117.00
  • 223 mm Dovetail Jaws
    Added: 03/07/2020
    Modified: 10/24/2022

    223 mm Dovetail Jaws

    223 mm Dovetail Jaws  Dovetail Jaws have been designed to mount bowls by expanding into a recess or clamping onto a spigot.  The sizes indi...
    Model : V00682
    Brand : Vicmarc Machinery
    Price:  $142.00
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 19 products)
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