
Pinned Scroll Saw Blades

Pinned Scroll Saw Blades

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 8 products)
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  • Pinned Reg Tooth 10tpi
    Added: 03/12/2020
    Modified: 09/05/2022

    Pinned Reg Tooth 10tpi

    Pinned Reg Tooth 10tpi 5" Pinned Regular Tooth Blade 10 TPI, 0.100 Wide, 0.018 Thick. Packet of 12...
    Model : PR-412P
    Brand : Olsen
    Price:  $12.00
  • Pinned Reg Tooth 15tpi
    Added: 03/12/2020
    Modified: 09/05/2022

    Pinned Reg Tooth 15tpi

    Pinned Reg Tooth 15tpi 5" Pinned Regular Tooth Blade 15 TPI, 0.100" Wide, 0.018" Thick. Packet of 12...
    Model : PR-411P
    Brand : Olsen
    Price:  $12.00
  • Pinned Reg Tooth 20tpi
    Added: 03/12/2020
    Modified: 09/05/2022

    Pinned Reg Tooth 20tpi

    Pinned Reg Tooth 20tpi 5" Pinned Regular Tooth Blade 20 TPI, 0.100 Wide, 0.018 Thick. Packet of 12...
    Model : PR-405P
    Brand : Olsen
    Price:  $12.00
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 8 products)
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