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  • Heavy Duty Tip 2L - Large Round
    Added: 05/26/2020
    Modified: 05/26/2020

    Heavy Duty Tip 2L - Large Round

    Heavy Duty Tip 2L - Large Round Heavy Duty Tip 2L - Large Round Large Round - Heavy Duty Tip Only. Use for fine lines on large concave areas or uneven sur...
    Model : Tip-TH2L
    Brand : Razertip
    Price:  $9.00
  • Heavy Duty Tip 2M - Medium Round
    Added: 05/26/2020
    Modified: 05/26/2020

    Heavy Duty Tip 2M - Medium Round

    Heavy Duty Tip 2M - Medium Round Heavy Duty Tip 2M - Medium Round Medium Round - Heavy Duty Tip Only. General pyrography, fine detail on flat or medium co...
    Model : Tip-TH2M
    Brand : Razertip
    Price:  $9.00
  • Heavy Duty Tip 2M-S - Medium Round Small
    Added: 05/26/2020
    Modified: 05/26/2020

    Heavy Duty Tip 2M-S - Medium Round Small

    Heavy Duty Tip 2M-S - Medium Round Small Heavy Duty Tip 2M-S - Medium Round Small Medium Round Small - Heavy Duty Tip Only. General pyrography, fine detai...
    Model : Tip-TH2M-S
    Brand : Razertip
    Price:  $9.00
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