
Machinery Accessories

Machinery Accessories

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 9 products)
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  • 14 inch Bandsaw Roller Guide
    Added: 03/12/2020
    Modified: 09/05/2024

    14 inch Bandsaw Roller Guide

    Adding this industrial quality guide to your bandsaw will significantly enhance your machine’s accuracy and efficiency....
    Model : SW1401-Guide
    Brand : Carbatec
    Price:  $189.00
  • Camellia Oil 250ml
    Added: 03/08/2020
    Modified: 04/08/2021

    Camellia Oil 250ml

    Camellia Oil 250ml Used for generations as an effective rust inhibitor for all tools. Just apply a tiny amount with a rag....
    Model : CAM-1
    Brand :
    Price:  $36.00
  • Diamond Blade Hone
    Added: 03/08/2020

    Diamond Blade Hone

    Diamond Blade Hone Holds 400 and 600 grit diamond stones for sharpening HSS or tungsten carbide jointer and planer blades....
    Model : K-D-10
    Brand :
    Price:  $76.00
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 9 products)
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